
Thursday 22 March 2012

unforgettable experience

This story happen when I was still in elementary school
It happen when I spent my holiday in my grandfather’s home
I don’t know why my grandfather was like a kid
May be because he was too old and that was made him like a kid
At that time he gave me a bag of plastic
I didn’t know what was that
When I go home I tried to see what the thing was inside it
Oh my god, the thing was inside it was like firecracker that have a long wick, and the firecracker not only one, but may be there were about ten firecracker, and I invited my friend to burned it
Firstly I take one firecracker on the ground, and I burn its wick, and we run a way from that place and close our ears, why, because the firecracker was so big, and after a few minute we close our ears nothing happen or heard sound of explode, I try to see the firecracker, and did you know what was happen, the firecracker was not explode
Why? because it was not a firecracker but it was a firework

Thursday 8 March 2012


namaku iwan safrudin lahir 16 januari 1993, aku dari kecil tinggal bersama keluargaku di desa tulakan RT 06 RW 02 kecamatan donorojo kabupaten jepara, dulunya, aku nggak lulus TK, karena aku nggak mau sekolah kalau nggak di tungguin ibuku waktu kecil, tapi setelah masuk MI aku udah berani sekolah sendiri,setelah lulus MI aku melanjutkan di SMP ISLAM keling, dan setelah lulus aku lanjutkan lagi di SMA NEGERI donorojo, nah sekarang aku melanjutkan kuliah di UNIVERSITAS MURIA KUDUS, aku ambil jurusan teknik informatika, karena aku suka banget dengan apapun yang berhubungan dengan informatika, walaupun ada matematikanya, pelajaran yang paling bikin aku pusing, tapi semua itu aku singkirkan, seketika hilang tertutupi oleh kesukaan dengan informatika